Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fly Woes

They're annoying.

Though I suppose that's nothing new.
It's also not new to have flies in a Pet Store I suppose.

They probably dart in from the outside and find the situation to their liking.

However, they've recently become more of a nuisance.
Which is odd since it's heading into winter.
I usually feel that they're more of a nuisance in the summer....

In any case.

It's not surprising to occasionally find the flies inside the animal cages.
They happen to dart in at the wrong moment and get trapped in there until the next time they can free themselves.

What is surprising.
Is how many flies I've found in one of our Guinea Pig cages.

Like...I almost felt like I was seeing one of the plagues.

I think it was...yesterday? Maybe the day before.
I had a customer come tell me that there were a ton of flies in the Guinea Pig cage.
I figured she was exaggerating...I'd never seen more than like...four flies at it's worst.

It was worse.

There had to have been at least 15 flies in that cage.

I'd never seen so many stuck in one place.
Which makes me question how exactly they showed up.... >.>
Considering we're diligent in keeping the cages clean...

It's hard to say for sure.

But I had a fun five minutes of trying to convince the flies to get out of the cage.
And succeeded to get most of them out and away.

Only today,
I come in to find.

That there had to be like 15 more flies in the cage!! O.o
Where did they all come from!?!?

Thankfully, today was the scheduled day to clean out the guinea pig cages.
Which I did with great vigor.
Scrubbing every surface.

And, came across a nice solution to catching those pesky flies and getting them out of the cage.
I sprayed them with the cleaning solution.

Though I'm pretty sure any water type thing would work.

As I figured, and probably learned from somewhere, that when flies get their wings wet....they can't fly.
And if flies can't fly, then they can be caught.

I took great joy in grabbing those pesky creatures and tossing them in the trash.

lol. I felt like a bit of a ninja really, catching those flies. ;)

Hopefully they don't return. >.<

-Sarnic Dirchi

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