Saturday, November 5, 2016

Revive It

I don't think I'll ever understand why people would want to prank call a pet store.
Like honestly, in this day and age of caller id. Prank phone calling people is rather silly.
Yet, at work, I still occasionally answer the random phone call that is soon revealed to be a prank.

Normally, it takes me a little bit to realize that these sorts of phone calls are prank calls.
As like I've probably mentioned at some point.
I'm way too serious/logical/helpful at work. I don't automatically see sarcasm. I'm looking to help people and give them answers first, thinking about what they were actually meaning later.

Some days I'm good at catching the fact that people aren't being serious.
Other days I'm not.

But today.
I caught on quickly.

It was towards the end of my shift.
So I was tired and anxious to get home, distracted with plans of what I needed to do with once I got off work.
I'd just finished talking to a customer on the phone and hung up only to find the phone still ringing with another caller.

So I answered it.
And the customer -a teenage boy by the sound of it with a girl laughing in the background said: "Hey, I have a slight problem, my fish drowned."

What...drown in air? "That's rather weird since fish can't drown in water." I responded back.
(It helps to throw helpful logic out of the window when you know fish can't drown lol)
"Yah...but this one did, what do I do?"

Now...even though I'm aware that this is a prank, I still kinda have to keep up the helpful tones just because I am at work and there are customers around who might overhear me.
"What do you do to revive it or to take care of it because it's dead?" I asked bluntly.

"Revive it."

"Okay, well first you're going to have to do Mouth to Mouth." because at that moment I couldn't remember that it was called CPR. "Though you'll want to wash your mouth out with soap first because you don't want to get sick, and you'll need---"

About that point in time I realized that the caller had hung up.
So I'm not sure exactly what they heard.
But oh, I do hope that they did wash their mouths out with soap. lol.

In any case.
I still don't understand why people decide to amuse themselves by making other people's lives more difficult at their jobs.
But at least I think I got the upperhand this round. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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