Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Waiting and Waiting

I can totally understand it.
When you're waiting for help, and it feels like the workers are taking forever to get to you, even though in reality it's only been a couple of minutes.
I've been on the customer side of things before. Where I feel like the people are moving too slowly and I've been standing thee too long without getting what I came in to get.
I understand it.
But with experience working retail myself.
I've become a bit more patient when it comes with dealing with workers in retail.
A bit. lol. There are times where I know the people could be moving faster than their snails pace. lol.

In any case.
I had a customer ring out to the store today.
-Ringing out, meaning that they'd already been placed on hold, but it had been too long since someone had talked to them, so then all the phones in the store go off to remind us workers that someone is waiting on the phone to be helped.

In reality it's only like a two minute wait before the phone begins to ring.

Back to the story.
I'd seen the number on the phone before when I glanced at it.
As I'd managed to glance the number before someone else picked up the phone to answer it.
I'd heard the call go out over the intercom that the person on the phone needed someone in grooming to pick up.
The fact that this same number showed up again meant that for whatever reason, grooming hadn't picked up the phone like they were supposed to.

I'd glanced at the number, then stuck it back in my pocket.
Unfortunately, another coworker noticed this and asked me "Aren't you going to answer it?"
"No, it's grooming and I don't want to talk to them." I said. Before giving in -since no one else was picking up the phone- and answering it.

I was right.
It was grooming.
And the customer on the phone wasn't pleased that they still hadn't been connected to said groomers.
"I've been waiting and waiting and waiting!" she complained.
Which since she was put on hold at least once....
Wasn't more than like 5 minutes.
Not long at all really.
I mentally rolled my eyes.
Assured the customer I'd make sure the groomers would pick up this time before placing her on hold, and walked over to the groomers to tell them that they had a call on 21 in person so they would pick up.
Which they did.

*shakes head*

Honestly, I wish society was a bit more patient on occasion. It's not like my store puts people on hold as long as other phone places do. two minutes isn't that bad at all. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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