Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Gone Away

So we had this mouse that's been in our sick room for months now. Because it ended up in a fight with another mouse, and got a bite/wound that caused hair to fall out and such. 
It should have been a simple matter of letting the wound heal and the hair grow back....
But it wasn't doing that.
So we treated it for ringworm for a bit....
Didn't work.
Took it to the vet and they tried an injection to help it heal.
It didn't work.
The wound and hair loss would get better...only for it to suddenly get worse again. 
Was it mites? Some infection? 
I mean it got worse...like something had burst...only to heal again. 

We took it to the vet again, because the injuries were spreading down the mouse's sides along with the hairloss.

So I had the manager take it to the vet.
But...when I got back to work....the mouse wasn't there. 
We'd taken some other animals along with the mouse to the vet that day....and they'd returned but that one hadn't.

Which meant....that more than likely the Mouse had to be put down... :( 
Which is always disconcerting because...why would they put down the mouse/ it was fine beyond the random wounds. 

Apparently it wasn't fine.
When I asked, I was told that they put the mouse down because he was self harming himself. :( 
So the mouse was injuring himself on purpose. 
Who knows why....

Almost I think he might have been lonely.....
I wish we could have done something different. Maybe tried putting him with another mouse or something. 

Y_Y Poor mouse. I don't like it when the result ends in that manner. Y_Y 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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