Monday, July 31, 2017


I was in the middle of counting fish when I saw it.
This dark blob hiding in the corner where one wall of fish connects to another.

A step closer and I knelt down to realize. 

There was a Fire Belly Toad on the floor.
About 12 tanks away from where he should have been, in his tank. 

The poor thing was so dark, and had bits of dust and fluff stuck to him.

Nearly I thought he was dead,
As I know Fire Belly Toads are semi aquatic...
But I don't know how long they can last before they need to go back into water.

And I had no idea how long this little froggy had been out of it's tank.
Nor how he'd gotten out of the cage in the first place. O.o 
I mean.......really. I have no idea....

But out of the tank he was.
And thankfully, once I poked and prodded him, I discovered that he was still alive. 
*sigh of relief* 
If a bit lethargic.
Which I figured meant, he really should be put back in his cage into the water.

So I picked up the froggy and took him over to his tank, picking off the dust and such as I did so, and gently set him down inside in the water, gently sprinkling him with a bit more of it as he climbed halfway onto land again. 

Thankfully, it seems like his jaunt outside his tank didn't have lasting effects. He turned bright green again quickly enough and seemed like a happy camper. ^^ 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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