Saturday, July 22, 2017

What's the Actual Number?

So there's this semi-regular customer I have to deal with.
Who I was fine with helping at first....

Until he tried to guilt me into watching over his fish while he disappeared for the winter to a different state.
You know, by saying "They'll die if you don't come take care of them!"

To which I was rather unsympathetic.
I mean, come on dude, you took on the responsibility. Be responsible for your own fish. Take them with you or get someone else to watch them, but don't guilt me into it by threatening their lives. >.<

-He had another coworker of mine watch his fish while he was gone I believe.

In any case.
I haven't liked him much since, though I'm still nice to him, I'm nice.

But he came into the store today.
Wanting goldfish to feed to his Tiger Oscar.

So he said: "Can I get 15 small goldfish?" 
To which I replied. "Fifteen? Sure." 
"No, No, Fifty." He corrected me. 
"Oh, Sorry I don't always hear the difference between 15 and 50." I told him as I went to grab a container to catch him his 50 fish.

And so I set to work scooping out fish and counting them into the container. 
Only for him to say as I was nearing 50. 
"How many fish is that?"
"Around 40 currently." I told him.
"No! No! I just wanted FIFTEEN!" He told me.
I gave him a look. "That's what I said the first time and you corrected me so I heard fifty." 
And he was like O.O "Oh, I thought you said Ten, so I corrected you to Fifteen. But never mind I'll just take the ones you got, that will save me the hassle of coming back next week." 

>.< Ugh.
How do you hear 10 from 15? That doesn't even make any sense.
At least there's an understanding from confusing 15 and 50.
But 10 and 15?
I don't get it.
But whatever.
I got him his fish. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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