Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wet Food

I had a woman call work today with a concern about her cat. 
You see, she had adopted the cat about a month ago, and it wasn't eating Wet Food. So she was wondering what she was doing wrong and how she could convince the cat to eat wet food. 

Now...if a cat isn't eating at all, that's something you should call a vet for. As there may be some sort of internal issue. Which means...there's not much I can do to help out without knowing what's wrong.

But it's not like cats just eat Wet Food. So I asked the customer if they'd had tried feeding the cat dry food yet. Maybe the cat just didn't like wet food. 

To which the customer said. "Oh yah, he's eating the dry food just fine, and also drinking lots of water. But no matter what we do, he won't eat the wet food!! What do we do?" 

So I told them that it was fine that the cat wasn't eating wet food. Since he's eating the dry food and drinking water that means that he's fine. That some cats don't like to eat wet food. 

The customer seemed confused by that. "Why wouldn't the cat like wet food?" 

Umm.... because cats have different tastes?
"Cat's are just like people." I told her. "some like one thing and don't like another, just like some people like chocolate and others don't, or they like vegetables and others don't. It's just a matter of their taste. So some cats will eat wet food and others won't." 

"oooh, that makes sense." She said.

Yah...yah it does.
*shakes head* confuses me when people ask that sort of question. I mean, since people in general have such varied tastes, it would make sense that animals would be the same way. Some would like one food, another would not like it. 
Everyone is slightly different.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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