Saturday, July 8, 2017

All Messed Up

So as part of my morning routine at work, I have to face the entire department.
Which basically means I need to make sure all the products in my section are lined up neatly and are actually sitting in the right spots.
Some mornings it's easier to face the department than others.
Mostly because it depends on if my evening crew managed to do facing before they left for the night.
Still, it's always interesting to note which products are almost always messed up.
Like without fail, the items will be moved about/ in the wrong spot.
One example is in our Reptile section.
We have a shelf that has Dinosaur skeleton heads on it.
And without fail almost every morning when I come into face, I have to move them back to their correct spots. *shakes head*

But then there are the days where customers just go crazy with our things.
Particularly the fish decoration aisles.
There are some days where the place is totally trashed. Ornaments everywhere.

And that was the case today.
But not this morning.

No, it was around lunch time when I was helping out a customer. A mother with three kids. She was wanting to get a small tank with fish, and was taking forever to decide on which fish she wanted to get.

And while she was dithering.
She had a daughter who was very tactile.

I caught her putting hermit crab shells in the feeder goldfish tanks.
But hadn't thought much of it.
I mean she had a couple other ornaments in her hands, but I hadn't seen them placed in fish tanks so I figured she was just holding onto them for when they would buy them and set up the tank at home.

I discovered differently.
When after they finally left, I took a jaunt down the fish aisle.
And discovered that this girl who liked to touch everything.
Had found her way down the ornament aisle.
And proceeded to rearrange basically the entire section. 
It took me 20 minutes to put everything back in its place.
Because entire shelves full of ornaments had been shoved onto other shelves.


I really wish that the customer had paid a bit more attention to their children.
Because while it gave me something to do between customers.
It's honestly annoying to have to put everything back into it's place.

Honestly, I don't mind things being touched in the store.
But if you pick it up...put it back exactly where you found it.
It's not that difficult.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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