Monday, July 10, 2017


My poor coworker was suffering a bit today.
Because she was stuck on register for the remainder of the evening and for whatever reason it was rather hot in the store...
And she'd forgotten her water bottle. :S So she had no easy access to water.
And with our vending machine broken....she couldn't get water that way either.

However, upon hearing that she needed a water bottle.
I came to the rescue.

As a while ago we had a work party that had had bottles of water.
And me...I'd grabbed one and shoved it in my locker on that offchance that I would need it some day. 

Turns out that day was today. 

So I just went to my locker, grabbed the bottle of water and took it up to the register for my coworker. That way she would be able to stay hydrated in our warmer than normal store. :) Yay!

Woot for being prepared. ^^ 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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