Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A Specific Leopard Gecko

My manager had informed me that there was a customer waiting on hold who had a question for PetCare...but when I went to answer the call....I just got a dial tone in return....
So at some point somewhere....someone had hung up.
But in any case. Soon after the customer called again, and this time I managed to pick up. 

What did they want?

The woman wanted to know if we had any female leopard geckos in stock.
Why she specifically needed a female...I don't know. I never think to ask these questions until after the fact.

However, I was unable to help her.
Because our Leopard Geckos are babies. Like maybe 3ish months old?
And when they're that's basically impossible to tell if they are male or female. You have to wait for them to get a bit bigger and older. 

But when I told the woman this she wasn't like "Oh, okay." 

No she was like "I know, you guys told me that last week when I called, but it's been a week, surely you can tell now if you have any females?" 


A week isn't going to make a difference. It takes months for the lizards to grow large enough to be able to tell. 
So like...a week? No.
It's rare for us to even keep Leopard Geckos long enough to be able to tell. *shakes head* They usually go pretty quickly in the store. 

I did try and tell the woman about local pet stores that could possibly have larger Leopard Geckos. As people will often take their pets to the locally owned petstores if they can't take care of them any longer. 
But she didn't want to hear it. "I don't want an adult one!" 

...Well....then close your eyes, cross your fingers and hope that you pick a female then...because can't really tell when they're babies. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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