Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Eyelash Crested

So Yesterday I had a woman call on the phone;
Asking if we carried any Crested Geckos.
Which we did.
And we had one in stock.

Well, the customer wanted to know if we could hold the Gecko for her until like Friday when her bf could come pick it up as she lives like 3hours away from our store and he would be driving down to see her then.

Which....I can't really do.
We have a policy of NOT putting animals on Hold because a) what if the customer never comes for it? and b) what if we accidentally sell it because of a miscommunication?

So I was like...We can't do that....

To which she was like "But I need the Gecko, as we just lost ours (it died) and my son, who is autistic, has taken a turn for the worse with the gecko's death and he's *drops voice* being suicidal, so I really need the gecko as I believe it will really help him.

Uhmm. ()_()
So like...I went to the manager to see if there was anything we could do.
But it was too far away.
This call happened yesterday (Monday) which meant 5 whole days in which the customer 'might' come to grab this gecko...

So I had to tell her that I couldn't hold it that long.
At the most I could hold it until the end of the day.
As we do recognize we have customers coming from long distances to come buy animals. So if they're heading right over, we can hold the animal until they show up.
 But like...it's just a day thing.

The woman couldn't make it up last night though.
She didn't want to make the drive in the dark in the canyons, which makes a lot of sense. Canyon driving at night can be rather tense.

But she was like "If I come up tomorrow can you hold it for me then??"

Which...I couldn't hold it for her since it was tomorrow.

But like the Crested Geckos....go through phases where we either sell them super quickly or they sit there for a couple of months before someone buys them.
I had no idea which way this one would swing as we just got the Gecko in a few days ago.
But I was like "Well, I can't put it on hold until then, but if you call tomorrow morning, I'll be here, and if the gecko is still here I can hold it long enough for you to make the drive up."

And that's what she did.

She called this morning asking if the gecko was still there.
Which it was.
And she was like "Great! I'm coming right up I'll be there in 3 hours."

And to ensure that the gecko wouldn't be sold before she arrived, I put a Reserved sign in the cage -which we usually use to indicate that the cage is empty.
That way my coworkers would assume just that. That the cage was empty, and not try and sell anything out of it.

Which, considering I was like the only employee that afternoon with keys to the cages....lol it was pretty easy to ensure that the gecko wasn't sold.

Lol though with the crazy of helping other customers in work, I'd actually completely forgotten that she was coming up until this lady with blonde hair and frentic energy came up to me stating that she was here for the Crested Gecko.
And then it clicked like "Oh yah! I was doing that for you!"

Which I had expected this to be a quick "Grab the Gecko, fill out the paperwork, pay and go" sort of exchange.
But not quite.
The woman ended up being quite chatty wanting to explain how they ended up losing their first Gecko (suspected foul play from another resident in the home) and how much the original gecko meant to them etc etc while the son was immediately taken with his new pet, wanting to be as close to it as possible and such.
So yah...
Definitely an interesting exchange.
Though I am glad we were able to get the gecko to them and that the son bonded so quickly with it. :D The way his face lit up was so pure. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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