Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I'll say it once and I'll say it again. 
Parakeets are evil.
Evil evil birds.

So I had a family come into the store, wanting to get a couple of parakeets. 
Specifically a boy and a girl.
Which is always an adventure because our birds are still quite young, which means that they don't always show the coloration on their beaks that indicate whether one is male or female. 
*shakes head*
Why do people insist on a boy and a girl? you want them trying to breed? 

In any case. 
After some looking and debating and me pointing out girls and boys that I could see in stock.
The family left me to grab their birds while they went to look at cages. 

And I had the luck of having another customer decide to watch me catch the birds. *exhales* which is always stressful when you have an audience. :S 

In any case.
I caught the first parakeet, the male, and the evil creature latched onto my thumb, pinching my skin in it's beak and clamping it's mouth shut. 

It took all my strength not to fling the bird about right then, but geez that creature would not let go!
I ducked down to wrap the bird in a towel and managed to shake my hand loose. 

The area still hurts hours and hours later. >.< 
Evil bird. 

At least the female was much easier to handle and I only got bit the one time. 

But after catching the birds, the family were like "Hey do you have this cage in stock or do we just take the display?
Which I was reluctant to let them take the display as it would only mean that one of my coworkers (or myself) would have to put together another display cage. 
So hoping to avoid that, I told them I would check in my overstock and see.
Which I was in luck, we did have the cage in stock there. 
So I told them that.
And then went to grab it down.
Which took a bit of jigsawing as there were other boxes piled on top of it.
But after much effort...I managed to get the box down and to the customers....
Only for them to have changed their mind while waiting.
They were looking for a smaller cage that the grandmother could lift and move around.
Which....why would you be wanting to move the bird cage around? Shouldn't it just stay in a stationary location? *shakes head* In any case they wanted a different cage. *exhales* 
I tried to convince them they needed larger to give the birds space.
Though I don't know if I succeeded in that or not....

But I was all too happy to leave them to their decision making. 
As I was still dealing with an aching thumb at the time. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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