Monday, March 5, 2018

In Their Tank

I had an odd theme with customers today.
In that I had two different individuals who well...wanted to put certain fish in other people's tanks without them realizing it?

The first was a woman who was going to be house sitting for like the next month or so while the owners of the home are out of the country doing business stuff. And as part of that job of house watching...she's also in charge of looking after the fish.
And so she came into the store looking for a pleco because the tank is turning green, but also to buy herself a fish for that tank because if she's going to be watching it for a month or so, she might as well have a fish that she can call 'hers' within it. would be easy to hide a new fish in among a ton of others....especially if the owners are gone for long periods of time....if there were more than two fish in the tank.
But the woman specifically said there was only two.
So like....I'm pretty sure the owners are going to realize something is off when they get home and see a fish in there that wasn't there before.
*shakes head*
But she ended up buying the pleco and the fish anyway. 

While the other was a customer who was with an older woman and a bunch of small kids...possibly a Grandma out with her Son and her Grandkids?? *shrugs* In any case she had a tank and was looking to get fish and specifically didn't want "Female mollies" 
...even though I was told this fact after I'd already caught some females in another tank. 
The guy was like "She doesn't want girls." 
But like...the tank they were picking's difficult to tell the girls from the boys....
And after a couple of minutes the guy was like "Just pick one, it doesn't really matter" giving me the impression that he was the one in charge of the fish....
So I just kinda fished out a fish....
:S Hopefully the woman doesn't mind that...though I doubt she'll realize.... *shrugs*

It's just weird that I had two customer today who were putting fish in tanks that the owner of the fish tank may or may not end up wanting...

-Sarnic Dirchi

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