Thursday, March 8, 2018


There was a little boy who came into the store today, who like most little children, was automatically captivated by one of our almost empty feeder goldfish tanks. 
Almost empty because there were like maybe 5 goldfish in said tank, while the other tanks surrounding it were filled with hundreds of goldfish. 

-Normally out of our 8 feeder goldfish tanks, we keep two of them empty of fish. That way we can easily tell at a glance which fish are Large, Small or XSmall because we have the tanks divided as: Large Large Empty Small Small Empty XSmall XSmall 

But occasionally we put goldfish in the two empty tanks...mostly when one of the other tanks isn't doing too well and we don't want to introduce healthy fish into a tank that's suffering from whatever the goldfish decided they wanted to be suffering from. 

In any case.
The nearly empty tank caught this little boy's attention. 
And he was like "Where did all the fishies go? Did they go extinct?" 
Which the woman he was with was like. O.o Huh?
And I was definitely like. O.o Huh? That's a weird way to ask if they died. 
And the boy clarified. "Like the dinosaurs did the fishies all go extinct or did they get bought?" 

lol the woman was like "I'm pretty sure they were bought." 

Which yah, most of them were, but some had died off too though I wasn't about to tell the kid that lol. 

It is amusing though his choice in words. Extinct. ^^;; 
Very creative kiddo. Very creative.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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