Saturday, March 3, 2018

Where Are They?

There was a customer who called this morning on the phone in search of one of our algae eaters.
Specifically our Otocinclus
Which are actually a type of catfish apparently, but ones that eat algae.
And are popular with customers because they only get about 2" full grown which makes them great for small tanks.

The problem?
We haven't had them in the store for about a month now.
Though according to the customer it's been two months.
*squinty eyes* 

Pretty sure that's an exaggeration.
As I've been wanting to buy Otos as well for about a month now, and about the point where I decided I needed some...was the point where we stopped getting them in. *exhales*
So pretty sure it's just been a month.

But in any case.
The customer was like "Why aren't you getting these fish in! ORDER THEM IN! 

Like....It's an automatic replenishment customer. *shakes head*
We have no control on what gets shipped to us. 
When we sell the fish we get in replacements.
And occasionally it happens where the demand for one of our animals is greater than the supply.

Why aren't we getting in Otos?
No idea.
a) it could be that we ARE getting them in...but they're coming in dead. (as happens on occasion) 
b) we got them in but we sold them all already. (Idk I rarely work Fridays) 
c) The weather has been too cold to ship them (happens with some animals) 
d) The breeder has no otocinclus old enough to ship yet. 

Which my guess is it's most likely option D happening currently. Considering it's been at least a month.
My guess is that the breeders don't have any otos old enough /big enough to ship out yet. 
Or other stores have taken priority over us and the breeder runs out of ready fish before our store's needs can be meet. *shrugs* I have no real idea. These are just theories.

But the customer?
So frustrated.

"If you're not going to carry the fish you should just take the tag down!" They exclaimed. "Because calling every week to see if you got them in is rather ridiculous!" and click went the phone. 

well Sorry.
A) we are still carrying them, we just don't have them in stock so I can't just take down the tag. 
And b) At least you're calling first customer because if you're frustrated now just imagine how frustrated you would be if you'd driven 2 hours to get to us to find out we had none. XP 


Definitely not the best way to start out a crazy Saturday. 
*fingers crossed* that our Otos show up soon though. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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