Thursday, March 22, 2018

Scrubbing Frenzy

I didn't think much of it when I told my coworker, who would be covering the department while I was on lunch, to scrub the tanks.
I mean, they'd opened in the department before.
And knew that during the week we gravel vacuum and scrub certain tanks each day.

So I was like "Okay, tanks still need to be vacuumed and scrubbed, I'll be back in a bit." 

I mean....what could go wrong?

lol. Flooding the department.. 
But that's not what happened.

No I got back from lunch and my coworker was like: "Okay! So I scrubbed the entire top row and the middle row and I'm to this point in the bottom ro--"

It took me until their "middle row" part of the explanation to realize that my coworker wasn't talking about the 18 tanks we were scrubbing today.
No they were talking about The ENTIRE WALL. 
Which we have like 72 tanks.
And my coworker was just telling me that they'd scrubbed like 60 of those tanks in the half hour I was gone. 


And I was like " only needed to scrub the section of tanks that didn't have any decorations in them..."

-Because part of the cleaning is to take out the decorations within our tanks and get them cleaned too. So while the decorations are out, we scrub and vacuum because then there's not things in the way. 

So while we have 72 tanks, we only scrub 18 a day so as to know...make our arms super sore the next day. lol. 

*shakes head*

My coworker was like ()_() 
I THOUGHT WE HAD TO SCRUB ALL of them and just Gravel Vacuum the one section?!

Nope nope nope.

*shakes head*

I don't know where they got that thought into their head.
I mean, my coworker had scrubbed tanks before. 
So I don't quite know why they didn't remember that they'd only scrubbed a small section of our fish wall before. 

Whelp. Doesn't hurt to be an overachiever I suppose....
Though I wouldn't be surprised if their arms are really tired tomorrow lol. Because that is ALOT of tanks to scrub. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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