Tuesday, March 13, 2018

In a Bowl

A woman came into work today, looking to buy a fish for her son.
She'd done the betta route. Done the goldfish route.
And was basically looking for another fish that could live in a bowl.

Which.... Ummm...
We didn't have any.

-I mean I'm sure some of the fish cold possibly survive in a bowl of water.
But all the other fish we sell on the wall usually require a filter and a heater in order to do well. 
They are also not always as hardy sooo the constant water changes could possibly stress them out and well...kill them.

So I told the woman that if she wanted to do a bowl....it would be either bettas or goldfish.
Though I was trying to encourage her to do Bettas as they're much easier to take care of in a bowl than a goldfish is.

But after helping a couple other customers....
She stated that she was ready for fish...
And pointed directly to the Neon Tetras saying she wanted one.

Which. They are a schooling fish so you'd want to get at least two.
Neon tetras are probably one of the worst fish to get for a bowl.
They are soooo temperature sensitive and tank sensitive....
I mean we can easily loose the entire shipment of neons when they're sent to our store if the temperatures get too hot or too cold.
So them living in a bowl? Not going to work.

Which I told the basically that.

Soo...she ended up opting for me to fish them out a couple of goldfish instead. 
Which...while not my favorite choice for bowl living...is definitely better than the neon tetras....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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