Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Helpful Mornings

There are mornings when my manager is scheduled to help me open the department.
Which usually means that I'm opening the department by myself lol.

Because, while my manager has good intentions about helping out and such.
He gets easily distracted. 

Today was one of those days. lol. 

Where he chose to do the task of the Reptile Bedding change.
Which because like half of our cages are still empty right now. (our reptile shipments have been thin recently, possibly due to the cold.) 
Should have been a quick process.

But my manager loves to be an overachiever too. 
Where he's looking to make the tanks look better.
Looking to add in new decorations, to do deeper cleans. 

Which is great....if he could stay focused on the task at hand. 

But being the manager...
He can get caught up in other issues.

Like the fact that customers were waiting to checkout like right when we opened, and our cashier hadn't made it to the front yet. So he was helping them.

And then he had the only phone in the store because the others were missing or dead and needed to be recharged.

Then there was getting radios for all of us so we could communicate easier.
And checking online orders.
Checking in with the other managers and their tasks they were working on.
Taking animals to the vet...

And before he knew was like two or three hours later. lol. 
And the reptiles?
Yah he'd only gotten like a third of their cages done. ^^;; 

Like it's something I've come to expect with opening with my manager.
He's easily distracted.
So I usually plan to do most if not all of the opening by myself.

But today he was like "I am so sorry! I have such good intentions and then I get distracted, and I lose track of time." 

He was so apologetic. ^^;; 

But like...I didn't see why he was apologizing.
I mean I liked that he was apologizing for having me do most of the work and him not being as helpful as he was meaning to be.

I just...kinda plan for things to not work out you know?
At work, part of what I do is that I figure out the quirks and abilities of my coworkers, and then do my best to account for their faults, but also support them in their strengths. 

So the fact that my manager is easily distracted?
I've come to expect it.
So it doesn't really bother me when he takes longer to do things he says he's going to do. Or if I end up taking over for a task that he was unable to doesn't stress me out. 

Because I evaluate issues, I work to take care of them. So if things don't go according to the original's fine. 
And if he's serious about staying on tract then it's just a matter of saying "Have you received in that paperwork yet?" or "How's the bedding change going?" 
Basically giving him little reminders of what his original task was. lol. 

Long story short.
I'm adaptable, and pretty easy going.
So if things don't go to plan. I don't mind. 
But I do appreciate that my manager recognizes the fact that he struggles to stay focused lol. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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