Thursday, October 4, 2018

Counting Crickets

I had a customer who came in this be disappointed that we didn't have any boxed crickets available.

-Every week we get in prepackaged crickets which usually have around 24 crickets in them.
And cost wise, are a little less expensive than getting bagged crickets of the same amount.
The one downside to the prepackaged crickets is that they're....more prone to dying.
Some will make it a couple of weeks, but for the most part the crickets within are dead within like 3 days. *exhales*

So basically every Wednesday, when I count all the animals, I go through the boxed crickets, and those who have more than 20 dead...I end up tossing.

Which I'd done that yesterday, and tossed basically all the boxes because the crickets were dead.
--I actually dump any remaining live crickets into our cricket bin first and then toss the packaging away--

Doing this on Wednesdays is usually a good thing.
As Thursday is when our next shipment of boxed crickets comes into the store.
So I basically make room the day before in prep for the new ones.

This would have worked perfectly for the customer....
If she hadn't shown up right when the store opened.
as we usually don't get the crickets until an hour or two later.

So she was too early for the crickets.

Which apparently she'd never encountered the problem before?
She was left a little...gobsmacked really that there were no packaged crickets. 

As she had no idea how many crickets she needed to get now.

So I told her the boxes usually have around 24 in there. 

She was like "I don't know! Just get me a bunch!" 

…..A bunch means a different number to every person.
For some it's 10. Others it's 20. Others its' 50. Others it's 100.

So I was like...."So how many is that?" 
She finally decided 50 was the number she needed. 

I dumped some into the bag, counted them, bagged them up and handed them to her like "Here you go!"

And she was...shocked lol.
Was kinda her response.
She hadn't expected me to bag them that fast.
But doesn't take that long to count crickets.
Especially when I've been doing it for six years. *shakes head* lol.

Still. She didn't quite believe me. "That's 50?" She asked tilting the bag.

I actually think she was trying to count them. 
Makes sense as it doesn't always look like the number of crickets that you think it is.

But I knew there was 50 in there.
I'd put more than 50 in there actually as with bigger numbers I make sure to have a couple of extra in case a) some die or b) I miscounted somewhere. 

In any case.
She commented on how quick I was once again and then left. :) 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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