Tuesday, October 30, 2018


I had a customer call the store today.
Asking if we would accept the return of live fish...because he had a couple of Gourami's he'd bought a little bit ago...that weren't playing nice to each other and he realized he had a regular gourami and a dwarf gourami and didn't want the regular one anymore because it was aggressive.

Which I could see why the customer was asking.
Because they knew that we would return dead fish within a two week period...
But apparently whoever had helped him the first time hadn't clarified that we'll accept the fish back for any reason with two weeks.
So yes...we do accept them back alive.

His only problem?
He was outside the return period. 
By like a week. 

I was in the mood to be helpful.
So told him that if he brought them in, I could return them for him.

As he had mentioned wanting to exchange them out. 
Which is more helpful than just wanting his money back.

Though at the time I was confused how "One of my dwarf gouramis was a regular" could have happened.

I mean the dwarfs are in separate tanks from our regulars.

Though in retrospect...it makes sense that they could think all the gourami's were dwarfs...if they didn't look close enough or weren't paying attention....

And when he brought in the fish...
Sure enough one of them was a blue gourami instead of a dwarf lol.

But yah.
He ended up returning both fish.
And got six other fish in exchange.

So I think he went home happy. :D yay. :D

-Sarnic Dirchi

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