Wednesday, October 17, 2018

There But Not There

So my manager had called us all to the front of the store for our usual morning huddle.

Said morning huddle usually involves us grabbing our radios/earpieces and the manager telling us goals/promotions/tidbits etc to help the day get off to a good start.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

But one of my coworkers....was acting weird. off a dark energy as they stared into the middle distance, totally disengaged from conversation.

If anything, they were giving off the attitude that they were sulking.

Which isn't surprising. My coworker tends to shut down and go all stonefaced and moody whenever they're told to do something that was against what they want to do. 

It was bad today. 

As my manager tried to engage this coworker in conversation. Asking them questions and trying to get them to participate etc.

Only to be met with a wall.
It was like my coworker had turned into a statue.
They didn't respond. Didn't move. They just stood there fuming.

It was...well creepy really.
To have them acting in such a way.

I made a mental note to keep my distance.
As they were giving off enough negative energy that I didn't want to have to be closer to it than I needed to. 

Thankfully the attitude improved as the day progressed. 
But still...not the best way to start out the morning. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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