Monday, October 8, 2018


A woman came into the store today, worried that her bettas were going to die.
Because she keeps her house in the sixties. 
And she noticed her bettas weren't doing well.

Which makes sense because it's been colder these past couple of days.

So she wanted to know how to fix it.
Easy solution.
Buy a heater.
(Or you know....turn on the heat in your house.) 

The problem?
The heaters are like $15 each.
And she has three betta tanks. 

And when she realized she would need a heater for each tank.

She was like "Are these on sale? Can I get a discount because I'm buying three? I mean I'm buying THREE! I should get a discount because I have to get them!" 

Uh...that's not how it works.
The heaters do go on sale sometimes but they weren't currently on sale. 

She was like "Well I talked to your manager and he got me a discount on a tank last time so can you go grab a manager and see if I can get a discount on these heaters?" 

The manager she referred to? No longer works here.
But you know, like a good little worker bee I went to get the current manager in charge.

Who was like. O.o But we don't do that? We can't just give discounts willy nilly.
*shakes head*
I don't know what he said to the customer -I got distracted helping another customer- but I saw her paying for her heaters up at the register.
I don't know if she got a discount or not. 

But yah....I get why customers want to save money wherever they can...but at the same time...we can't just give them a discount because they ask. *exhales* Not unless there was something wrong with the item. And the heaters were in good condition. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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