Saturday, October 27, 2018

Wrong Email

I had a customer call today freaking out because she received two email receipts from our store....but she hadn't been in our store for the past month. 
So she wanted to speak with a manager to figure out how someone had gotten her credit card information to buy things from us.

It's an issue that I'd dealt with before. So I did a little digging to check to make sure I was right.
Was the charges she was seeing just on the receipt or on her bank account?

Just the receipt. 

Did the card number at the bottom of the receipts match any of the ones she had?

No. They did not.

Then It was simple really.

Because we have a program where people give us their phone numbers and email addresses so that a0 we can give them discounts and b) so that if they choose their receipts can be emailed to them.

Therefore. Nobody was stealing actual money from the woman.
They just had used 'her' phone number. 
-Which is either because a) they'd gotten a new number/said the wrong number or b) coworker error and the wrong number had been typed in. 

To prove that I was right, I went to our registers to look up her number.
And sure enough there were two different names listed under that phone number, but with different email addresses. 

Which means that the cashier had simply clicked on the wrong name while sending the receipts.

Therefore....she had nothing to worry about. The receipts wouldn't affect her accounts in anyway because her email address isn't (and shouldn't be) connected to any credit card information because we don't keep track of credit card information on the register computers.

So she was fine.

….She wasn't fine. She didn't like that 'someone was using her account." which yah....with the new points system we have, if you're using the wrong phone number and someone chooses to redeem those points....then yah. Not good for you. But hey, if they didn't redeem any points, it just means that their points were added to your account came up on top in that.

In any case. She wanted the other person 'taken off her account'
Which *shrugs* 
I have no idea how to do that.
If I could do it then I would go through and delete duplicate accounts that are constantly showing up on the computers when we put in phone numbers more than once. 

No. I was pretty sure she'd have to go through customer service for that. 

So in the end, I ended up transferring her over to a manager so he could figure out how to help her from there.

It go buys after that I have no idea how that conversation ended.
But hopefully she hung up with more peace of mind that her money was safe.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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