Monday, October 22, 2018

Walked Out

It's never a fun feeling to see a customer waiting in line...only to leave the line and their cart and walk out of the store.

It happened today. 

I had jumped on register to help with a rush.
And the customer I was helping was taking a little longer than usual because there was an issue with a return, and then scanning the right cans, and making sure the prices were right, then her going to go grab a thing of food she forgot....

So overall. It was taking a while.
I was trying to go as fast as I could.
But I can only do so much when the customer is the one slowing down the process.

And there was this gentleman standing there.
Waiting for his turn. 

So while the lady was grabbing her food I was like "I'm sorry, it's going to be just a little bit longer."

He didn't respond.

But just as I was finishing up with the lady's transaction.
Where she was paying and pressing the buttons and such.

The dude suddenly steps out of line.

Originally I'd thought it was because he'd forgotten something.
But no.
He left his card by one of our dog toy displays....and walked out the door.

Which was confusing to everyone in line....
Because like 60 seconds later...I was able to help the next customer in line. 

Apparently....he wasn't patient enough..... 

Y_Y I feel bad though.
I wasn't trying to make him wait.
But like...I have to help the customer in front of me first. *exhales* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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