Thursday, October 18, 2018

Totally Cleaned

Had a customer come into the store today looking to get new he had accidentally killed all but three of his other ones after doing a water change.

It's unknown if it was the water change itself that killed his fish.
But the dude was trying his best to keep his tank clean...
He just got...overexcited and emptied out the entire tank full of water. should never do with a fish tank once it's established because....well you basically get rid of all the beneficial bacteria and start the tank all over....

Which can be super stressful to the fish. one point the dude used vinegar to clean his rocks?? and Vinegar is not good for fish either. *shakes head*

But yah.
His main issue was that he emptied out the entire tank instead of the 25%-50% that's usually recommended.

So I did what I could to teach him, though he kept saying some dude at a different petstore had already told him the same thing.

Sooo hopefully something each of us said stuck in his noggin lol. 

But yah. He ended up getting more fish today to put in his tank.
*fingers crossed* that they do well. :S 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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