Wednesday, June 3, 2015

MLAARE -Bags of Food

I had fun moving dog food today.

I had a couple of customers come into the store on behalf of a friend of those in search of Dog Food. A particular brand, a particular flavor.

Which isn't that difficult. I'd seen them in before, though I hadn't really had the opportunity to help them.
But I didn't realize just how much food they actually would be buying. And I was only there for the beginning of it.

When the gentleman came up to me asking if I was a manager. I said I wasn't, but I could try and help as the actual manager was busy helping customers at the register.

So the gentleman lead me up to his wife.
Who told me she was looking for *points to brand of food* This food, but that she need 15 bags of it.

Uhh... I had no idea if we would have that many bags. :S I mean, we're not a bulk store. We carry in smaller quantities because most people only buy like one or two bags at a time.
15? Ha....ha......heh.....:S

So I checked the endcap.
There were 3.
Sweet. Three bags.
I knew that we had more of that flavor on the aisle of the brand. So I went to check out how many were there. Expecting to only see three or four.
I was lucky and there were TEN bags of the food she was looking for.
so I had at least 13/15 bags.

But I also knew that we could possibly have other bags in the back that wouldn't fit on the shelf.
Unfortunately, it was much harder to get to the pallet because we'd just gotten our most recent shipment of goods in via truck. So all those pallets were blocking the overstock area.
Which meant I had fun squeezing inbetween the narrow alleyways searching for more bags.
More bags that I found!

To my surprise there was like 10 more bags of that same flavor in the size she needed there on a pallet! O.O
Who'd a thunk we'd have so many....
Thankfully I only needed to get two bags through the crevices of the new shipping pallets. It would have taken forever to move more of them out. :S

Ah. That was 'fun.'
Thankfully the customers were appreciative that I went the extra mile to find everything that they needed in the quantities they needed.


-Sarnic Dirchi

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