Wednesday, October 28, 2015

MLAARE -Cricket Cleanliness

It was disgusting in there.
I mean....crickets can be smelly and disgusting in general.
But our container where we keep our crickets.
Yah...That was starting to get really groddy and disgusting.

Its understandable.
Because we get in a ton of crickets.
And now that I'm keeping track of how many crickets we actually get in....we have a ton of crickets.
At least 4 thousand really.
And 3 thousand more at least expected tomorrow. :S

The thing is...
That those crickets...need to be taken care of.
Which means sweeping out the dead.
Giving fresh food and water....

Which....I feel like I only do.
Which really I am the only one who does it because it seems like 4/5 days that I work I'm having to count crickets from shipments and such.

But since I've been getting the weekends off....
It seems like nobody remembers that the crickets need to be taken care of as well.

And so when I come in...
I find a pile of dead crickets.
Empty food and water dishes.

It's no surprise that it was getting disgusting.
Because if you're not cleaning out the place.
Then the constant moving around of things squishes the dead crickets down further.
Smearing them around.

And giving rise to a lot of smell.
I had a bunch of customers comment on it today.
So therefore, I found the time to take imitative.

I scooped out 4000 crickets into a temporary container.
And cleaned out the big container they were in.

Yeesh. That was a work out.
Considering I'd already cleaned cats, cleaned fish tanks...I'd been doing a ton of scrubbing and added this into the mix....
My arm was crazy sore after work. Yikes!! Pain.

But at least I was able to pour the crickets into a clean container.
Hopefully it won't get so smelly for a long while yet.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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