Tuesday, October 27, 2015

MLAARE -Paper Cut

It was one of those days where I have no idea how I managed to get injured....

I was setting up a couple of tanks for two snakes that we were temporarily taking them off the floor because they hadn't been eating and we wanted to monitor them more closely.

And while I was in the middle of gathering everything to place into the tanks,
I happened to look down.
And see that I was bleeding on my arm.
I had a small cut there.
Nothing major I thought.
It's hardly a cm in the length really.

But it was bleeding. I did a quick wipe down of it, under some cold water, thinking that that would stop the bleeding...
It didn't.
The papercut bled more freely if anything.
I couldn't really continue working with blood dripping down my arm.
So...I had to step away to get a Band-Aid.

So weird. Its rare for me to cut myself bad enough to get a bandaid, as most of the time the bleeding stops really quick.
Must have been a sharp object that I cut myself with.
Though I can't think as to what it would have been as I was just handling tanks....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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