Saturday, October 17, 2015

MLAARE -Wandering Around

There was this mother daughter duo,
That walked into the store,
Looking for things for their bearded dragon.
And when I asked them if they needed help.
They said that they needed a specific brand of eye drops to help their reptiles eyes, but couldn't find it.
So I asked for the brand, and while they were looking it up, checked up and down the reptile aisle we have and only found turtle eye drops.
They then said that its often used for dogs,
And I knew this 'Terramycn" that they were looking for wasn't in the dog section.
But told them I would look.
I looked.
Went to ask a manager, but decided that we actually didn't carry it before I found one, and instead wandered over to the vet in the store, and asked them if they carried it.
Which they did.
Only you could only get it if you were prescribed it.

So I dutifully returned to the customers to tell them that we don't have it in the store and that they could only get it if they had it prescribed by the vet.

And they asked, if there was a generic brand similar to it that they could get here because they lived 2 hours away from everywhere and didn't have the bearded dragon with them.
So I told them about the eye drops we had in the dog section.
And checked the ingredients...
but none of them had Terramycn listed in the ingredients.
I went back to the vet to ask them,
And they said there wasn't a generic formula. You had to get it from a vet.
So I called two of our other nearby vet clinics, the ones that would see reptiles.
One was closed,
and the other couldn't give it unless they saw the animal first.

I returned to the customer yet again for like the fifth time to tell them this news.
Which they were not happy about.
>.< Demanding people.
And said that they would just order it online then.

Fine whatever.

It was one of those situations where I wish they would have taken "we don't have unless." for an answer. Where I wish they would have just decided to make the two hour drive to the vet and make my life easier, because I wasted like 20 minutes wandering around the store to find them answers and it was annoying.

Especially on a day when we were short staffed and had people in the store...
It was a waste of time where I could have been more productive in helping other customers.
Hopefully they find their stuff online.

*sheakes head.*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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