Tuesday, October 20, 2015

MLAARE -Time to Stress?

It should have been a stressful day at work today.
I mean,
Shouldn't I be stressed out when the first thing I hear when I come into work this morning...
Is that my coworker has called in sick.
That my entire shift.
I'll be working by myself.
In my department.

I should be stressing about that.
I have to get everything opened and done with....by myself.

Funny thing was....
I wasn't.
I wasn't stressed out.

In many ways its probably because Yesterday was so stressful with the Auditor in town (we passed! yay!) That...today...
It was just another Tuesday.

And just another Tuesday...
Means that hardly anyone comes into the store.
So therefore, I didn't have to worry about crazy rushes in the morning.
Sure, around lunch time I'll get more people...
But I still had plenty of time to get everything open.

Besides....it's not like I haven't done this before.
I had to open by myself for a long time before management finally got its act together to again give me a person to open the department with me.

So I have a system.
Knowing at the beginning of my shift meant that I could adjust my game plan then and there. Multi task. Do things in a particular order,
as opposed to finding out a couple of hours into my shift that my coworker isn't going to show up.
Yah. That would be stress inducing.

This though...
No. I had it handled.
Nothing to worry about. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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