Tuesday, October 20, 2015

MRS -Cleaned Kitchen

I'm not sure how to respond.

So, last night, at the request of one of my other roommates that someone else besides her do the dishes,
I decided to do them.
Which is big for me, because I absolutely despise doing dishes.
But because of how my roomie asked.
I was more than willing to help out and volunteer.

What can I say...I'm way more willing to help if I can 'come to the rescue' than  if I'm simply told "hey can you do your dishes?"

Yah...I'll do them on my own time. Don't tell me what to do.

In any case.
I spent a good half hour or so last night cleaning up the disaster that was the kitchen.
I did more than wash the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.
I cleaned up the counters.
Made it so the place was basically clean enough to pass a cleaning check.

That was like 18 hours ago that I did that....cleaned up the kitchen.

And another roommate just walked into the kitchen and was like "Oh! Somebody did the dishes! Sarnic was that you? It's great. Thanks!"


I seriously doubt that you just BARELY walked into the kitchen for the first time today.
I really. Really do.
Unless one was really super focused on getting food and leaving...I don't think it would be difficult to miss that our mountain of dishes is gone.

Which can only mean....

That she realized who had done it.
After checking facebook.
Because I did post a status that I'd cleaned the kitchen without a cleaning check neccesaiting the cleaning factor. I didn't mention what I'd done otherwise anywhere else.

The fact that she didn't hesitate and said my name directly.
When there was no indication otherwise that I had cleaned.
-I mean like I said, its usually the Amazing Roommate who does the dishes.
Not me.
Basically I would have been the last person you'd think of when it comes to cleaning dishes.

Yet, she'd said my name directly.

Oh yes.
I see through you're 'supposed surprise' that the dishes had been done.

*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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