Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Circular Conversation

I had to deal with a 12 minute circular conversation today on the phone.

Where an older gentleman, who lived alone, was calling about his cat.
Apparently he's had her for a year, and she's all fixed and vaccinated.
And he loves her but thinks maybe he should give her up.
Because why?
Because she's peeing outside the litter box.
And he was wondering if there was anything to stop her from doing that.
Not that it's a big deal, because it's on tile that she's peeing, just outside of the litter box, and it's not on carpet, but maybe he should give her up because she keeps doing that, but is there anything that would make her stop?

So I suggested first that there were sprays that could discourage the cat from going in certain areas....but if it was too close to the litter box it may discourage her from going there, so perhaps he could try moving the litter box over the spot she would pee in and see if that would solve the problem?

But its in a corner in his kitchen you see, on tile, which means it's easy to clean up because it's not carpet and well...maybe he should give the cat to the pound, but he kinda wants to keep her you know?

You could try the spray. I suggested.

Would Lysol work? He asked. Or maybe Febreze?

No. There's a certain spray that we sell that will stop cats from peeing where you don't want them to pee.

How much does it cost?

Around $15-$20. I told him.

Oh...but that's too much. He can't afford that, maybe he should just give her to a shelter, but he loves her you know? She waits for him when he gets home, and likes to cuddle, but...she keeps peeing outside of the litter box, so maybe he should just give her up.

There were a few shelters I listed off for him that could possibly take the cat.

But she's been microchipped, and fixed and is up to date on all her shots. She keeps peeing outside the litter box though.

Well maybe you need to get a larger litter box? I suggested.

But the one I have is already normal sized!

So get a larger one? Or a covered one?

Why would it need to be covered? It doesn't need to be covered and she poops in the litterbox just fine, but can't pee in it! So maybe he should give her up, but he's not sure, he loves her you know.

Well, you could try a different litter....or maybe it's a kidney issue, like maybe she has kidney stones and needs to see a vet.

Her urine does have black flecks in it, could that mean something bad?

It's possible, I tell him, but I'm not a vet,

he expresses surprise.

So you should go to a vet have her checked out.

But I can't afford that, so I should just give her up to the shelter right? But I dunno, she's a good cat, vaccinated and everything, maybe I should keep her, but perhaps I should give her up.

*head desk*

Literally. That was basically how the 15 minute conversation went.
With basically ever time he spoke bringing up a shelter to give the cat to.
*shakes head*

I did what I could...offered suggestions of our adoption groups, products to try, concepts to work on.

And he couldn't seem to comprehend most of it. *exhales*
It's hard to get people off a thought when they're firmly set on that thought.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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