Wednesday, May 10, 2017


We had a casualty at work last night.

Where upon opening a cage to show off some of our Syrian Hamsters to some customers,
My coworkers discovered that one of the Syrians had been cannibalized by the others.

Never a pretty sight. Ever.
Honestly, half eaten hamster bodies can work really nicely for horror movie scenes.
They're creepy. And depending on which part of the hamster has been eating...can be disturbing.

So I feel for my coworkers and the customers who had to witness that.
Because *shudders* Not fun.

I never like encountering it at work.
So I'm glad it's a rare occurrence.

But I often use this as a reason why you never want to buy two hamsters and put them in the same cage together.
Because you never know when the hamster is going to snap and decide to kill it's cage mate. :S

My coworkers thought that the hamsters had gone cannibal because their wasn't enough food in the bowl.
Which I doubt is the case, as the hamsters always have food.

My theory is that the hamsters were often kill and eat the 'weak link'
The hamster that they can sense is sick, or small, or just isn't going to survive and so kill it to prevent it from affecting the others.
Just my thoughts though.

In any case. Hopefully we don't get another cannibal moment anytime soon.
Or if we do....that there are no customers around to witness it this time around. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi

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