Tuesday, May 30, 2017


I'd just spent 10-15 minutes with a customer. 
Showing them the different types of hamsters we had.
As the customer was thinking about getting one.
So I showed them the different types of hamsters, and once I'd answered all the customer's questions to their satisfaction, I left to return to the task I'd been in the middle of when they'd come up to me asking for help. 

A couple minutes later, as I was in the middle of my task.
The work phone began to ring.

I answered it with the usual greeting.
And the customer on the other phone said: Hey...I was just talking to a couple minutes ago about the hamsters. 

...Which I was trying to figure out why he was calling if I'd just spoken to him....did he want me to put a hamster on hold? 


"And as I was leaving your store, I tripped on the curb and fell down in the parking lot. I'm out front by the handicap parking spot. And I need some help up."  

()_() WHAT?!?!?!?

I darted outside. 
And sure enough, I saw the customer's legs poking out from between two parked cars.
With cars driving by, and other customers walking out to their cars completely clueless to the customer laying sprawled out on the pavement.
I rushed up to the customer to help them up.

But they suggested that I might need to get someone stronger to help lift them back to their feet.
So I said "I'll be right back." And ran inside, intending to get one of the cashiers, but they were both busy with customers. 
-I felt so guilty just leaving the customer there on the hot pavement.
But I ran to the back of the store where I could see a manager and one of the stockers working,
And called for the stocker to come help me out. Right now. To run.
And ran back outside.

The stocker was rather confused 
-The manager even more so.
But quickly understood the situation as they came out and saw me standing by the fallen customer.

With our help (mostly my coworker's) we were able to get the customer back onto their feet.

In their words, the customer had been distracted thinking about what hamster to get, and hadn't seen the concrete block that is used to denote parking spaces, and had tripped over it, sending them to the ground.

The poor customer had quite the scrape on the side of their face. Two road burns about the size of a quarter by their eye. :S
I offered to either help the customer inside so we could patch them up, or to go run and get some bandaids and such,
but the customer declined, saying they would just head home and would be fine. 
The customer also stated that they'd probably be back tonight to grab that hamster.

All in all.
I'm glad the customer is okay.
Though I feel really bad that no one else noticed their predicament, I'm glad I was able to rush right out to help them and get help to them quickly. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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