Saturday, May 13, 2017

To Get A Cat

There are times when you hear depressing stories at work.
Usually involving the death of a beloved pet, or the news that people had to get rid of their pet for various reasons.

It was about half an hour before I got off work,
When I got a call to the cat adoptions, where a guy wanted to adopt one of our cats.

And it turns out....
That he had recently (in January) adopted a dog, who had some issues.
Mostly in that the dog didn't like other dogs.
Not a big deal, just keep the dog away from others.

However, somehow the dog got loose and attacked one of the man's neighbor's while he was out walking and then ran into the neighbor's apartment and attacked their dog.

Now the guy who got attacked was easy going about the entire thing, was willing to let it slide and was understanding. And the customer was willing to put his dog into quarantine and make sure there was no issues and had signed all the paperwork and such.

...but unfortunately...the neighbor's roommate was a jerk about the whole situation.
Blew it up out of proportion, wanted his 15 minutes of fame and money and whatever, calling the cops etc.
And ended getting the story placed on the news.
Which resulted in Animal Control coming by the customer's house....after he'd signed paperwork voluntarily volunteering to isolate his dog and such and quarantine him at home to ensure nothing was wrong....and they apparently took the dog, watched it for 10 days....and then put it down.

It was heart wrenching to hear that.
To see the customer get emotional over it.
I could tell that he loved his dog.
Which was kinda eye opening because you never really hear the owners side of the story in those sort of news cases.
And the fact that they put down his depressed him greatly.
He'd just got her after all.
Had spent a ton of money on her.
And they'd put her down.

So he had to sell/throw away/return everything he'd bought for his dog,
because it was just too depressing to think about getting another one.

And so....he was in the store looking to adopt a cat instead.
Because he wanted a companion pet, and cats wouldn't be as much maintenance as dog would be.

So I ended up helping him fill out the paperwork and taking him around the store to help him buy all the things he'd need for his cat and such.

And yah...
I'm really hoping that this experience turns out better for him than the one he had with his dog.
Because I doubt any person wants to go through trauma like that twice.
*fingers crossed*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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