Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Scooping Goldfish

I had a woman and her five children come into the store today.
To get some goldfish for their pond. 

Thirty of them to be exact. 

And the mother was like "Just fish out any thirty that you can." 
Which is easy enough.

Only the children were crowded around the fish tanks and around me, gasping, ooing, awing, and pointing towards specific goldfish that they wanted me to catch.

I caught them.

After all, it's no problem for me to catch specific fish. 
Sometimes it takes a little longer if the fish decide to be difficult that day, but for the most part, if you point out the fish I can fish it out within three seconds. 
So catching specific fish for the children was actually kinda fun.
because they got so excited whenever I would catch "their fish." lol. 

They got even more excited when I proceeded to split the fish into different bags so that each child would be able to hold some of the fish on the drive home.
The mom was also extremely grateful that I went the extra mile there so she wouldn't have to deal with children fighting over who got to hold the fish. 

:) I like being helpful. ^^ 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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