Monday, May 8, 2017

A Pickup

I've decided that I'm not a delegator.
I'm the type of person who holds to the mindset of "If you want something done, do it yourself."

So I often find myself at work taking on more responsibilities than I probably should. Trying to multitask things to try and make everyone happy.

Today's case started when a customer called on the phone to check and see if her online order was ready to be picked up yet, as she'd ordered it a couple hours ago.

:S Uhoh.
Usually when I get that sort of phone means the managers forgot to look at the online orders that morning. So who knew how many people were waiting for their stuff to 'be ready' to pick up.

At that point in time, it was pretty slow in the store. I mean, I was still working on doing the opening tasks with my coworker, but I had time to detour a bit.
And after confirming that the order hadn't already been picked, I told the customer that I would make sure to get her order ready to be picked up in the next 15 to 20 minutes.
To which she was like "Great! I'll be there in half an hour."
:S uh.....
Automatically that didn't bode well for me, as usually if I'm on a deadline...that's when customers decide to show up and demand help.

Which turned out to be true.
I spent like 15 minutes or so helping a customer figure out a harness for her dog to wear.
Must have tried on like seven different types.
And then I had to go help the customers in my department that were waiting for assistance.
Before I was able to finally find a manager to grab the ipad so that I could log in to get to the online orders....only for me to have forgotten my password for that thing....since I hardly ever use it. :S oops. lol. So a manager had to sign me in.
But once you're signed into the online's not like I can just find her order and pick that one first.
No. It doesn't tell you what products are needing to be picked until after you open up the order. *exhales* So I had the bad luck of picking the wrong choice (there were four) and the choice I picked ended up being fish stuff...which was great! In that I knew where all that product was.
But bad because none of the product was on the shelf so I had to go hunting through our overstock area for said product which took way more time.

Thankfully I managed to find the customer's order and was pulling the final product off the shelf for her when she walked in the door and went to the register. So I was able to basically walk up to the front of the store, switch into "confirm pick up" in the ipad and have the customer sign off that they picked up their order and it was done.

But oh so stressful. To get that all done while juggling other customers.
Left me a bit high strung after the stress lol.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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