Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Cat Trees

I had a customer come up to me today, asking for help with the cat trees.
Which if figured either meant a) a price check or b) help carrying the cat tree up to the front.

Turns out that it was the latter option.
lol the customer thought that the cat trees in public view were only displays. But they actually can be taken right off the shelf.

We had two of the cat trees on the shelf, one that was plain white, the other that had a dotted/mottled appearance to it.
So I asked her which one she wanted.

And she oooed over the second one, but....responded that she'd just take the first one because it was closest and she didn't want to make me work more than necessary.
Yet, she dithered for a second when I pulled the first cat tree off the shelf. -As that's when she realized we would just take whichever one.
Should she get the second one further back, or the first one that was already out.

I could tell that she wanted the second one.
So I reassured her that it was no hassle, that it would be easy to get, and that if she was spending the money on the cat tree in the first place, then she might as well be happy with her purchase and get the one she wanted.

Which convinced her. lol. She decided to go for the mottled cat tree instead.
So I pulled it off the shelf, and lifted it to carry it up to the register for her.

Heh. Which is always fun to do. Because the cat trees look a lot heavier than they actually are. Honestly they probably only weigh like twenty or thirty pounds...
The cat litter usually ends up being more heavy as a comparison.
The trees just look heaver because they're taller and longer.

And this particular tree was taller than I was lol.
But I easily lifted it and brought it up to the register for her and then carried it out to the car.
To which her friend who was waiting in the car was like "Wow you're strong!" lol.

;) Yes. Yes. I am.
Though really. It's not heavy.

After a bit of creative juggling and maneuvering, we managed to get the cat tree into her car and off the customer went. Happy with their purchase and impressed with my lifting skills. ;) lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

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