Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Grooming Applicant

So there I was, leaning in the doorway of the office, chatting with the manager on duty.
When a woman comes up wanting help.
What does she want?
I wasn't quite sure as when she spoke, the words she used didn't connotate anything in my brain so it just sounded like gibberish to me. 
Turns out she was looking for the "Store Director" 
Aka in my terms "The Head Manager" 
Aka in store terms "The Store Leader" 

And because I didn't hear her correctly the first time, I asked her what she had just said.
And she gave me this look of "are you stupid?" 
And...that's when I decided I didn't like her.

It also didn't help that she had quite the 'mightier than thou' attitude going on.

In any case.
She wanted to see the Head Manager in order to see if we were actually looking for another groomer. 
-As on our website apparently we have it listed that we're looking for a groomer.

But in those situations where people ask us if we're hiring our response is "We're always accepting applications."
Because you never know when people are going to up and quit on us, so it's possible that we're not actively hiring today but we'll need to hire someone in a week or so. You never know.

But she didn't like that response.
Because she didn't want to 'go through the effort' of applying if it wasn't going to come to anything.

Apparently she'd already applied to us before, but couldn't get hired because she'd failed to complete a portion of some test or something? O.o Who knows. 

In any case, we -the manager on duty and I- couldn't really answer her questions on if we were actively looking for groomers or not because we're not the hiring manager -who is incidentally different from the head manager- 

And so she decided that we weren't actually needing any groomers now.
Because when she'd apparently walked past the grooming salon, the two girls in there were sitting and chatting, not grooming dogs.
Which to her meant that they didn't have enough work to do. 
-Which we did explain that mid week Tues, Wed, and Thurs are slower days.
But she seemed to think our groomers should be actively calling customers to bring in dogs to groom, and that all the stations should be full of groomers grooming dogs, etc. 

She basically made it sound like the groomers currently in the store were the laziest people ever for not constantly working on dogs.

To which I was getting rather...irritated by.
It's not like you're expected to work on a dog every single second. Nor can you blame the groomers for not having anything to do.
After all there are dogs that need to finish drying from their baths, there are little spaces between dogs where you take a quick breather, there are customers who fail to show up with their dogs leaving the groomer with nothing to do....

But honestly. 
I didn't like this customer's attitude.

Especially when I walked up to the front not even thirty seconds after this customer left us,
And saw not two girls chatting, but FOUR groomers ALL working on Dogs in the Salon. 
They were working. Not being idle. 
So my irritation at this customer was roused even further because she was overexaggerating what our groomers were or were not doing. 

I hope that even if she does apply....we don't hire her. We don't need that sort of attitude in the store. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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