Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Random Cage

The other morning I came into work, and during opening...I came upon the most unexpected object.

It was in our bird enclosure.
I opened up the door in order to access the tiny space where I can grab food and water out from the bird cages.
And discovered this random bird cage sitting on the floor within. 

It's pretty cool looking if I do say so myself.
Made of bamboo and wood and such.
Very delicate.

And definitely something we don't sell in the store.

So I had to wonder....
Why was it in our store, in our bird enclosure?

The obvious answer was that someone had returned a bird or two.
(They returned Zebra finches) 

But why would they have left the cage?
I was a very cool looking cage.
So why leave it?

Maybe it was on accident. 
And they were coming back for it?

In any case.

I didn't want it to get destroyed or anything.
-It's rather delicate. A parakeet would chew through it in ten seconds. 

So I pulled it out and set it in the back.
Normally random things like this would probably get thrown away.
and I didn't want that.
It was a cool cage!

So I set it aside.
Left a note asking if my coworkers knew if the people who had the cage were coming back, and if not, to not throw away the cage, as I would take it.

what would I do with a bird cage?
No idea.
But I definitely didn't want it broken and destroyed.

So tonight.
I rescued it.
Because I got confirmation that the original owners weren't coming back for it.

Now that cage is home....
Dunno what I'll end up doing with it.
But at least it's not going to be destroyed in the dumpster.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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