Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Over the Line

I had a customer call on the phone,
Asking if we had a certain product in the store.

It was one of our raw food brands. 
Which we do carry those.
But the customer on the phone was wanting to know if we carried it for cats.
So I was like "We do carry that brand but let me double check and see if we have any for cats there." 
And so as I was walking to our freezer/fridge that holds the raw foods, the customer proceeded to explain to me. 

"I don't like ordering products online."
That's okay I don't either.
"Because I don't trust the internet with my information."
A lot of people don't. 
"So usually for other places I just call the store and do my order over the phone, paying with my credit card by telling the person the number and such, do you do that at your store?" 

"We don't unfortunately." was my response. Because we don't do orders over the phone.
Well...we almost never do them over the phone. The only time we can actually have a customer pay for something over the phone is if they're signing up for a dog training class. Then our registers actually have an option for 'phone transaction' that allows us to input their credit card so they can pay for a class without having to come in and sign up in person. 

But for buying cat food? 
The closest we can get is the person orders the food online, and then we pick the order for the customer and have it ready for when they come into the store.
But that couldn't be an option for the customer since they just stated that they didn't like ordering things online. 

To which, once I said we don't she was like "Oh, okay." and hung up on me....
Before I could tell her if we had the product she was looking for in the store and in stock. *exhales* So I hope she didn't come into the store only to find that her product wasn't there.

But still....
I find it interesting....
That she refuses to put in her credit card information online because she's concerned about safety and such....
But is perfectly willing to tell a stranger on the other end of a phone that same information.

I mean....it's basically the same concept. The only difference is that you're hearing the voice of a person on the other side of the phone.

But how can you really trust that person? It could be a bad employee, or some stranger who randomly decided to pick up the phone....but giving your information over the phone....idk if that's any safer than doing it online....

I guess for both it really just depends on the website you visit and the person you're talking to....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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