Thursday, May 3, 2018

A Specific Number

So in our store, we have a thing where they want us to have prebagged crickets ready for customers to grab once the store is opened. 
That way, if we end up being busy elsewhere with other customers, and someone needs crickets...they can just grab the bag and go without having to wait for us to come bag them up. 

I usually end up bagging up 8 different numbers of crickets for each size. 
(Mostly because there are only eight slots I can hang bags from) 

For 6 of those bags I stick to a set number 6, 12, 24, 36, 51, 76 
Because those are a) the common numbers I end up having to bag anyways. and b) the price changes depending on the number of crickets a person buys, so I make sure to have some crickets in each price adjustment range for customers. 

But the last two bags.
Are a random number.

Mostly it's just whatever crickets are left in the little catcher I use to hold them in while I'm bagging the bugs. 

Often I'll do like 10, 40, or 60 here.
But depending on how many crickets are left in the container, and if I want to go catch more crickets to bag up more....I can end up with random numbers like 15, 27, 55, etc. 

Today I ended up with 15 small crickets in one bag.
A number I only occasionally bag up. 
So I was like "Hope this one is one that a customer needs today."

Towards the end of my shift.
A woman came into the store looking for 15 large crickets.

And I was like "OH!! I BAGGED THOSE UP!" 

And was so proud and grabbed them for her, and was like "Yes, my job was made easy!"

Only for her to be like...."are you sure these are large?" 

*face palm* 

I'd grabbed the 15 SMALL crickets I'd bagged up earlier because I was like "OH FIFTEEN!" 

And had totally spaced that she'd needed Large. 

So I had to go actually catch crickets and bag up 15 large for her because I didn't have that number in the large prebagged ones. 

So close. 
Ah well.
Next time maybe I'll get the right size and the right number. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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