Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Delayed Coming

So, I often have regular customers come into the store.
People who I see at about the same time on the same day for the same reason.

Which if it happens consistently enough, then I can remember what they need and get it to them a lot quicker. 

Today though I was thrown off.

Because on Mondays I have a woman come into the store, first thing in the morning to get a bag of six small crickets. 

But yesterday, it had been raining rather hard in the morning. 
And I figured after bagging crickets and not seeing her. 
That either a) I'd missed her at one point because she'd come later or b) she'd decided not to come yesterday because of the weather. 

So I was kinda surprised to see her walk into the store this morning.
As I had that moment of "wait...what day is it?!" when I saw her.
Because again, I see her on Mondays, not Tuesdays. 

But nope. 
It was Tuesday. 

It turns out that yesterday, due to the storm, her power was out in her part of town. Which meant...she couldn't get out of her garage because that's on an 'automatic opening' sort of thing. (which I hadn't actually thought that would be affected...but that makes sense too) 
And it would have been too much work to open the garage manually.
So she just hung out at home yesterday until the power came back on.

And came in today to grab her crickets. 

So yay for me getting to see her. And yay that her car is freed from the garage. lol. ^^;; 

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