Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Ammonia Test

Yesterday I had two guys come into work to get their water tested.
Because they'd noticed that they're goldfish were getting black spots on their bodies and were concerned.

Which yah...kinda concerning because I was pretty sure black spots appearing on fish usually means there's too much ammonia in the water.

And that's exactly what the water test revealed.
Their ammonia was sky high. :S In the "DANGER!!" Zone. 

So I recommended that they do a 50% water change and possibly add in some Ammo-Lock to detoxify the remaining ammonia, as well as possibly adding in some Beneficial Bacteria to their tank to also help break down the ammonia levels. 

And like....the guys ended up spending a long time in the store.
Much longer than I expected them to.
Because I figured they would just take the things I suggested and them and leave.
But no, I saw them looking at all the chemicals and the fish tanks and the filters and just talking to themselves....

Though I didn't get a chance to really speak with them again to check in because I was desperately trying to get the bedding change done yesterday before I got off work. 

But I figured they'd found what they needed and left.

And to my surprise, they came back into the store today. 
With another water test.

To which I was were just in yesterday....
So I was desperately hoping that these guys would have a different and better result today than they had had yesterday.

Because I really don't like it when customers come into the store expecting there to have been an immediate change. Becomes sometimes there isn't. Sometimes it takes time for things to shift. 

So I was mentally preparing myself to give them the bad news that there wasn't much of a change when I tested their water again.

But surprisingly, and excitingly.
There was a major difference!

The ammonia levels had dropped drastically, nearly to the safe levels. 
And all the other slight issues from yesterday were nonexistent today.

And it was just such a cool moment.
To tell them this news, and see their faces light up.
Because it had worked!
Spending money on things had helped!

So yah, we were both rather giddy over the results.
Glad that they had improved and such. 

A good moment, that's for sure. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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