Wednesday, May 23, 2018

New Fish

I had a guy come into work today.
Looking to potentially get a couple of fish for his apartment.
-Though he needed to check in with his roommates first on if they would want to have a fish or not.

But he was looking to see if we had any blue or black fish.
Because the theme of their apartment was blue and black.
And he thought it would be cool to have a small bowl with black sand and a blue fish.
And another one with blue rocks and a black fish in it. 

So I pointed him towards the bettas.
As they do the best in the bowls. 
And showed him all the blue ones.
As they're one of the more common shades we get in.
Though we don't usually get in fully black bettas....they tend to be mixed with other colors and such. And unfortunately, I didn't have any in the store at this time.

But I talked to him about care, about the benefits of getting a small tank over a bowl, and just answered all his questions about the bettas and such.

And left him to browse while I went to help other customers and do other tasks and such.
Saw him talking on the phone.
And later saw him with another guy -turns out it was one of his other roommates.

And they were discussing the pros and cons of getting bowls or tanks and choosing bettas and deciding what fish they liked best, and which decorations to put in the tank and such.
Which meant they were often coming up to me and asking questions and such. ^^;; lol. 

lol they ended up upgrading to a 3.5 gallon tank last minute. So that's going to be fun for them.

But yah, kinda fun and interesting to help them out. Teach them and show them things and such. 

Hopefully they have a good time with their new pet. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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