Saturday, May 19, 2018

What's Wrong?

I'm never going to understand why people come into a pet store expecting to get vet advice for free.
Like I get that people don't want to pay money to take their animal to the vet.
But like...while we people in a pet store see a lot of's not like we're constantly around ones that get sick....

*shakes head*
So pretty soon after we opened this morning.
My manager called me over to help some customers with a reptile question.
The question?

They had bought an Iguana from the reptile expo like three days ago....and had been told it was eating and saw it eat...I think? 
But now it wasn't eating, and was skinny and wasn't looking right.

And they wanted to know what they could do.

Which I don't have much experience with iguanas because we only carried them for one summer like two or three years ago in the store. And while my brother owned an iguana while we were growing's not like I paid any attention to it...I knew it ate veggies and that was about it.

But I do know that reptiles can go a while without food.
So three days without food wasn't that concerning to me. 

I couldn't help though without seeing the reptile.
Because it's easier to tell if something is wrong if you can see the creature in the flesh.

Which apparently it was sitting in a cage in the car as the guy had his....son? a younger male go get it. 

When he came back in with the 10 gallon cage I pulled out the iguana....
And figured he looked fine.
Because a) his coloration was nice and dark. 
b) he was alert and gripping onto me tightly.
and c) his eyes were clear. 

So like I couldn't see anything wrong with the reptile itself. 

But the customer was like "No see these white stripes here?!" which he pointed to some white coloration on the sides of the iguana. "That's an obvious sign that the iguana isn't well because those weren't there before!"

Which...sure? I guess that could be an indication.
but like overall it looked like the iguana was fine. The green color was nice and bright. So like....I could see no cause for alarm with the iguana itself.

Which was frustrating because the dude was looking at me like I was failing some sort of test and such, expecting me to have all the knowledge of a vet and get it without having to pay for a vet's opinion. 

So I went for a different solution.
That of telling him that the cage needed to have a heat source (as it currently didn't) and to give the iguana more humidity. 

But otherwise...I had no suggestions for him.

Which left me frustrated because I hate not being able to help customers out.
But I literally had no idea what else to suggest because the coloration didn't seem like an issue to me.
And dealing with a headache it wasn't like my brain was firing on all cylinders either. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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