Wednesday, May 16, 2018


I've seen quite a few interesting set ups in our sick room. 
I mean, you kinda have to get creative when the room is suddenly overfilled with pets with various issues and you can't put any of them out onto the floor because they aren't healthy yet. 


But I came into work this morning....
And discovered that a coworker last night,
Had set up a cage for a guinea pig. Which was fine in of itself.
Because it was in the proper cage for the sick rooms.
It wasn't in the proper location.

No, my coworker, had decided the best place to put this guinea pig cage....was in the sink that was in our sick room. 

Like. O.o Huh?

I've never had anyone think to put a guinea pig in there.
No usually if we get too many animals in one room....we usually end up needing to move them into the new arrivals room as there is more space there to hold animals.

But like in the sink?

Which meant I had to scramble a bit to get the guinea pig cage into it's proper location.

Which ended up being a simple matter, as a hamster had been placed in the sick room....that was perfectly healthy. Sooo I moved him back out onto the floor and put the guinea pig cage in that spot. 
And walla!


Though with how full our cages are....:S We really need to get those pets healthy. 
As I have no room whatsoever now back there.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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