Thursday, May 10, 2018

Going Home

So there are animals that tend to....well...sit in our store.
Where they'll be there for 6months, 8 months, a year....before they get sold.

One such animal we have is a Skinny Pig.
Aka the Hairless Guinea Pig.

Those particular creatures go through phases.
Where like everyone suddenly wants them and we can't keep them in stock....
Them sitting there for months and months with no one wanting to get one.

We've had a Skinny Pig in our store since last year.
I think we'd probably had it a month or two before we sold it...only for a customer to return it around Christmasish because it was having skin issues. Scrapes/dry skin and such.

So like we treated it.
Took it to the vet.
Treated it some more.

Ended up with another skinny pig that had the same skin issue.

Where like cuts and spots of dry skin would appear all over the body.
Most common on the shoulders/around the neck and on the lower back.

And the second skinny pig eventually healed out of it.

But like six months later....the original skinny pig still was suffering from it.
He would heal. And we'd prepare to put him back on the floor...only for a new cut or scrape to appear the next day.

The Vet said that there was nothing wrong, and figured that the Skinny Pig was hurting itself as it groomed itself.
As no fur to protect the skin and sharp teeth...not a good combination.

It finally got to the point where we just put the Skinny Pig on the floor.
Because it wasn't getting any better and was technically not getting any worse.

And today. After informing an interested customer about the Skinny Pig's skin issue and how to treat it, as there was nothing else wrong with him....

The customer decided to buy him!!
So happy to have that skinny pig finally find a home. ^^

Hopefully he stays there. :S It would be sad to have him returned again....

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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