Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Litter Woes

While I was walking back to the front of the store, paper towels in hand (because I needed them to finish cleaning the cages) I noticed a white-haired lady near the cat litter, looking about in that "I need help" sort of manner. 
Which, me, knowing that I was the only employee in the back of the store.
I went over there to see if she needed help lifting one of the cat litters.
Because that's a pretty common request we get from our older customers.
Because Cat Litter is freaking heavy. 

The woman didn't quite need my help though.
She was 'furious' because the cat litter that she has been getting....switched to only carrying her particular one in the bigger boxes. You know...the 30-40lbs but feels like it weighs like a 100lb boxes. 
And she can't lift those.
She can only lift the smaller ones, and those had disappeared from our shelves.
And she was just 'mad' that the brand did that to her and now she had to figure out a comparable brand to use (because her cat is picky) that had sizes she could actually lift.

Which unfortunately I can't help out too much with that. 
Mostly because I don't like the scent of cat litter in general, but also because I have no idea what brands of litter are the most similar.... *shrugs* It's not exactly something they put on a poster or anything lol. 

In any case.
It was semi amusing because this woman was like "I'm so sorry for being mad, I'm just in a bad mood today."

But like....I didn't really read her as being mad?
I could see a little frustrated.

But she was actually quite pleasant to talk to compared to other 'angry' customers I've dealt with in the past. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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