Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Picky Eaters

I got called up to the register today.

Because there was an older lady at the register, who was needing help with dog food. 

As she has this picky eater of a dog, that will barely touch it's food, and she's gotten like four different bags of dog food and the dog barely eats it. 
So she was wanting suggestions on what to buy that her dog would eat. 

Which, not always an easy question to answer.
Because we have like 20 different brands of dog food in the store.
And while a lot of them are similar, there's always slight differences too. You know, to make the brand unique.

But when I'm confronted with a picky eater of a dog.
I usually ask them if they've tried BilJac

Because I had personal experience with it.
Where my dog would only eat cat food, but when I fed her BilJac she loved it. 

So I usually recommend that one to customers looking for a soultion. 
But also because I know that it's worked with other customers who also have finicky dogs. 
And like there's a high rate of success stories with that brand.

So I'm really confident on recommending it to customers.

Plus! The great selling point of the food.
-Besides the fact that dog food is in a different shape.

Is that BilJac offers their food in trial sizes. So you can buy a little bag that's like $4, usually enough for one or two meals, to take home and have your dog try.

That way you're not spending a lot of money on a larger bag of food, just in case the dog doesn't like it. 

So this customer was like "Great! I'm game. I'd love to try it. I just want him to eat because I can't stand him not eating anything! I want him to be happy!" 

So I ran to the back of the store to where the BilJac was located for her and grabbed a trial size to bring back up for her to purchase. 

And didn't think much of it after I ended the conversation and went back to my other tasks.

Until the cashier informed me like maybe 5 minutes later over the radio that the lady I'd helped was back and wanted to talk to me. 

So I come up to the front, and there she is with her cute little toy poodle doggie.
And she was like "I just wanted to thank you! Because I gave him" *wiggles dog* "three pieces of the biljac to eat and he just gobbled them right up! He inhaled it practically, and I'm just so happy because he's never eaten food that fast!" And she continued to say other things, but the overall tone was just how grateful she was that I'd helped her find a food that her dog would actually eat because she'd been so frustrated over his pickiness.

Which awww.
I'm so happy that I was able to help her find a solution for her dog. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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